Tuesday, 1 October 2013

RESEARCH - Carol Vernalis's Theory

Carol Vernalis main theory on music videos is that the continuity of shots are broken down in to sequence to reel in the viewers, effects and transitions also help this. A main component within a music video is Jump cuts this also helps attract viewers when it cuts at the time of the beat; it creates the feel of the track being catchy. Also, a base track (master shot) is commonly used without a music video to give the video structure.


Rizzle Kicks – Down With the Trumpets    http://youtu.be/8ip8OsExLJs

Within this video you can clearly see that the continuity within the video doesn’t add up as they move from one place to the other using Jump cuts. Also, the jump cuts are also in beat to the song. A good example is when the artists Jordan and Harley are holding the trumpet on their shoulder and fall on to a wall but then jump cuts and falls on to bed of daisies.

Rizzle Kicks – Lost Generation      http://youtu.be/iL51Tsh6Sdg

This music video is also a good example of her theory on rules of continuity editing as this has many jump cuts and always goes back to the base track being in the Big Brother house chair. For example Harley making toast jumps straight to eating toast then to sleep on toast. It skips parts out of the process in making the toast. The shots are also cut to the time of the beat and there are parts that are edited to slow motion to show how a part is sung or rhythm is as the time.

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